الجمعة، 29 أبريل 2011

القرد البطيء او السلو لوريس(slow loris) سام

لسلام عليكم حبيت اشارك بمعلومه الكثير مننا مايعرفها وانا كنت اولكم الين ماشتريت القرد البطيء او السلو لوريس واكتشفت انه يصنف من الثديات السامه ولايمت للقرود بصله لكن متعارف عليه بيننا انه من القرود المهم السم موجو في منطقه الابط(تحت الذراع او under arm) توجد غده تفرز ماده سامه يقوم هوه بلعق السم من هذه المنطقه وينقل السم عن طريق العض فنلاقي بعضها بدون انياب نتيجه خلعها لكن المصيبه الكثير منها بأنياب وخصوصا الصغيره في السن لانها اليفه ومسكينه وكمان الام تلعق اطفالها بالسم كوسيله دفاع عنهم لكن للاسف المعلومات هذه موجوده بس في المواقع الاجنبيه وهذه موضوع منقول بس بالانجليزي يتكلم عن الموضوع

Very cute...UNTIL THEY KILL YOU!!!!!

From wikipedia-
Slow lorises can produce a toxin which they mix with their saliva to use as protection against enemies. Mothers will lick this toxin onto their offspring before leaving them to search for food. The toxin is produced by glands on the insides of their elbows. The lorises suck it into their mouths and deliver it when they bite or lick.[6] Loris bites cause a painful swelling, and the toxin has been found to be fatal. Cases of human death have been due to anaphylactic shock.[7] If the toxin does not deter a predator, the slow loris will often drop from the branch to the ground and roll into a protective ball.

وهاذي مقاله ثانيه من موقع motherjones.com
Cute Endangered Animal: Slow Loris
— By Jen Phillips
| Tue Jul. 7, 2009 4:00 AM PDT
— Photo via Wikimedia Commons.
This week's cute endangered animal is the aptly-named Slow Loris. The Slow Loris is a sympathetic little guy. He's got anime-huge eyes, and moves so slowly that he's an easy target for poachers in his native Southeast Asia. The nocturnal Slow Loris's only natural defenses are 1) holding onto a branch really tight; 2) a semi-toxic bite; 3) emitting an unpleasant smell; and 4) curling up into a protective ball-like shape. Pretty sad. One cool thing about the bite is that the Loris will nibble on his inner elbow to get toxins, then mixes the toxins in his mouth so that when he bites, it will sting more. Unfortunately, the toxin isn't fatal or debilitating for humans, though it will cause some pain, swelling, and redness.

The Slow Loris is a case of an animal being too cute for its own good. Besides having a babyish set of huge eyes, the Loris is furry, small, quiet, and apparently enjoys being tickled. The animal is prized as a pet, and shipments (often to Japan) of hundreds of Lorises have been intercepted. The fact that the Loris's instinct, upon stress, is to curl up into a ball makes it easy to transport, though often poachers will remove the Loris's teeth as a precaution. When not sold as pets, Lorises are hunted for use in traditional Asian medicines and like many other arboreal species, are threatened with habitat loss due to agriculture and logging.

Currently, the Loris's endangered status varies by country but the 2007 CITES conference banned all international transport. The CITES conference also called for more research, as population data is often old or unreliable. To see one researcher's pics of his adorable subjects (don't worry, it's very humane research), ممكن تترجم عن طريق جوجل للترجمه للعربيه

واللي حاب يشوف في اليوتيوب يكتب Bite Me With Dr. Mike

المهم بعد ماعرفت ذي المعلومات عنه انه سام بعته لواحد خبير وقلتله انه سام وفهم طريقه التعامل معاه بحذر بس في ناس بتبيعه على اساس انه اليف ومايسوي شي صح اكثرها اليف لو عض واحد وخصوصا اذا كان طفل الله يعلم اش راح يصير واتمنى انه الموضوع ينشر في مواقع كثير وخصوصا عند الي يبيعو ذا النوع ويكون عندهم خلفيه عنه ويفهمو الشخص الي راح يشتريه انه سام وممكن يكون خطير واتمنى ان تكون المعلومه وصلت ومشكور

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